Antifa and Stalinist Sympathizers Disguised in Trump Gear Identified in DC Protests

The firm XRVision used facial recognition software to identify two other DC protesters as Philadelphia-based Antifa members

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Data Expert Finds 200,000 Transferred Votes From Trump to Biden After Analyzing GA Election Results

The firm XRVision used facial recognition software to identify two other DC protesters as Philadelphia-based Antifa members

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**EDITORS NOTE / CORRECTION** An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that XRVision facial recognition software identified Antifa members among rioters who stormed the Capitol Wednesday. XRVision did not identify any Antifa members. 

As details unfold from Wednesday’s pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” protest where hundreds of individuals found their way into the United States Capitol, some explanation of chaos has emerged. Antifa is a group we have come to know all too well during 2020 as they gleefully used the death of Black man, George Floyd, to spread anarchy and destruction.

Law enforcement told the New York Post at least two known Antifa members have already been identified as some of the individuals causing chaos as they stormed the Capitol. According to the Post, “the Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.”

The source believes the Antifa members, who were identifiable due to their participation in New York City riots, joined the rioting so that Trump would get blamed for uproar. The Washington Times reported that the firm XRVision used facial recognition software to identify two other DC protesters as Philadelphia-based Antifa members.

One of the Antifa members has a tattoo signifying he is a Stalinist sympathizer. “Many Antifa members promote anarchy through violence and want the end of America in favor of a Stalinist-state. ‘No more USA at all’ is a protest chant.”

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The firm XRVision used facial recognition software to identify two other DC protesters as Philadelphia-based Antifa members

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**EDITORS NOTE / CORRECTION** An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that XRVision facial recognition software identified Antifa members among rioters who stormed the Capitol Wednesday. XRVision did not identify any Antifa members. 

As details unfold from Wednesday’s pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” protest where hundreds of individuals found their way into the United States Capitol, some explanation of chaos has emerged. Antifa is a group we have come to know all too well during 2020 as they gleefully used the death of Black man, George Floyd, to spread anarchy and destruction.

Law enforcement told the New York Post at least two known Antifa members have already been identified as some of the individuals causing chaos as they stormed the Capitol. According to the Post, “the Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.”

The source believes the Antifa members, who were identifiable due to their participation in New York City riots, joined the rioting so that Trump would get blamed for uproar. The Washington Times reported that the firm XRVision used facial recognition software to identify two other DC protesters as Philadelphia-based Antifa members.

One of the Antifa members has a tattoo signifying he is a Stalinist sympathizer. “Many Antifa members promote anarchy through violence and want the end of America in favor of a Stalinist-state. ‘No more USA at all’ is a protest chant.”