American Teens Are Now Being Recruited By Cartels on TikTok To Smuggle Illegals For Cash

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1,600 Illegal Immigrants, Including Known Criminals Arrested in Only 3 Days at Border

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Social media is now being utilized by the cartels to target American teenagers to help smuggle illegal immigrants across the southern border into the U.S..

Images of ads being used by cartels on TikTok targeting teens and young adults were obtained by Fox News which show offers for cash, sometimes more than $3,000 per ride to smuggle migrants once they reach the border.

Fox News reports:

“Need 2 or 3 drivers to go through a checkpoint,” one says.

“Got another 6 left, already crossed. Lemme know ASAP for that easy cash,” another says.

If they take it, their job is to get migrants through checkpoints and then to a drop-off location like a store parking lot, where the migrants are then picked up by someone trusted by the cartel and transferred to stash houses scattered along the border.

There were 172,000 migrant encounters in March alone, but authorities have estimated there are more than 1,000 “gotaways” – people who got into the U.S. by sneaking past Border Patrol – every single day.

Sources previously told Fox News that smugglers would often dump children in one part of the border, so adult migrants can sneak past as Border Patrol is overwhelmed with dealing with the children. Often they will get through unfinished gaps in the border wall.

Sources told Fox News the recruited kids often use their parents’ SUVs to make these trips to ferry migrants, without them knowing. One teenager’s mother, a nurse, started crying when she got a call from authorities about the business her daughter was conducting. But with authorities so overwhelmed, teens are often getting little more than a slap on the wrist.

Images showing the ads targeting American teenagers.

Images showing the ads targeting American teenagers.

Images showing the ads targeting American teenagers. (Fox News)

Images showing the ads targeting American teenagers.

Although Biden finally called it a crisis, the White House walked it back and said he was referring to Central America, not the southern border.

Biden’s America: TX Border Agents Rescue Infant Tossed into Rio Grande River by Human Traffickers

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Social media is now being utilized by the cartels to target American teenagers to help smuggle illegal immigrants across the southern border into the U.S..

Images of ads being used by cartels on TikTok targeting teens and young adults were obtained by Fox News which show offers for cash, sometimes more than $3,000 per ride to smuggle migrants once they reach the border.

Fox News reports:

“Need 2 or 3 drivers to go through a checkpoint,” one says.

“Got another 6 left, already crossed. Lemme know ASAP for that easy cash,” another says.

If they take it, their job is to get migrants through checkpoints and then to a drop-off location like a store parking lot, where the migrants are then picked up by someone trusted by the cartel and transferred to stash houses scattered along the border.

There were 172,000 migrant encounters in March alone, but authorities have estimated there are more than 1,000 “gotaways” – people who got into the U.S. by sneaking past Border Patrol – every single day.

Sources previously told Fox News that smugglers would often dump children in one part of the border, so adult migrants can sneak past as Border Patrol is overwhelmed with dealing with the children. Often they will get through unfinished gaps in the border wall.

Sources told Fox News the recruited kids often use their parents’ SUVs to make these trips to ferry migrants, without them knowing. One teenager’s mother, a nurse, started crying when she got a call from authorities about the business her daughter was conducting. But with authorities so overwhelmed, teens are often getting little more than a slap on the wrist.

Images showing the ads targeting American teenagers.

Images showing the ads targeting American teenagers.

Images showing the ads targeting American teenagers. (Fox News)

Images showing the ads targeting American teenagers.

Although Biden finally called it a crisis, the White House walked it back and said he was referring to Central America, not the southern border.