3 Students Fail Semester For Leaked Photo Attending Outdoors Party Without Masks

The future of three college students in Massachusetts have been postponed due to punishment for attending a party

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The future of three college students in Massachusetts have been postponed due to punishment for attending a party

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The future of three college students in Massachusetts has been postponed due to punishment for attending a party. The crime they committed at the party? Posting for a photograph outdoors while not wearing facemasks.

The students are about to finish their freshman year attending the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The girls’ parents said the students were cut off from virtual learning after not only being suspended but were also barred from taking their finals exams. As a result, they must redo the entire semester.

“There was a photo sent to the administration of these girls outside off-campus on a Saturday. This is why they lost a whole semester of their schooling” one parent told CBS’s Boston affiliate, WBZ-TV. The New York Post reports it is unclear “when the photo was taken and whether the young women had been vaccinated at the time they attended the party.”

One of the fathers explained the punishment “negates this whole semester, $16,000 of money and they have to reapply for next semester. But they missed housing registration.” UMass Amherst did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment, but did say in a statement that students received “a number of public health messages this semester that emphasized the importance of following public health protocols and the consequences for not complying.”

However, The Post reports that although restrictions due to COVID-19 were high in February, “by April when UMass hockey team won the national championship, athletes were seen celebrating some without masks, as they arrived back on campus to a large crowd according to a report.”

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The future of three college students in Massachusetts have been postponed due to punishment for attending a party

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The future of three college students in Massachusetts has been postponed due to punishment for attending a party. The crime they committed at the party? Posting for a photograph outdoors while not wearing facemasks.

The students are about to finish their freshman year attending the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The girls’ parents said the students were cut off from virtual learning after not only being suspended but were also barred from taking their finals exams. As a result, they must redo the entire semester.

“There was a photo sent to the administration of these girls outside off-campus on a Saturday. This is why they lost a whole semester of their schooling” one parent told CBS’s Boston affiliate, WBZ-TV. The New York Post reports it is unclear “when the photo was taken and whether the young women had been vaccinated at the time they attended the party.”

One of the fathers explained the punishment “negates this whole semester, $16,000 of money and they have to reapply for next semester. But they missed housing registration.” UMass Amherst did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment, but did say in a statement that students received “a number of public health messages this semester that emphasized the importance of following public health protocols and the consequences for not complying.”

However, The Post reports that although restrictions due to COVID-19 were high in February, “by April when UMass hockey team won the national championship, athletes were seen celebrating some without masks, as they arrived back on campus to a large crowd according to a report.”