2.1 Million Ballots To Be Hand Counted In Maricopa AZ By GOP-led Senate

2.1 Million Ballots To Be Hand Counted In Maricopa AZ By GOP-led Senate

A full hand recount of roughly 2.1 million votes will be performed in Maricopa County by Republicans in the Arizona legislature.

The President of the Arizona Senate, Karen Fann, said that GOP leaders have decided on a “preferred forensic audit” according to their statement released by Arizona Senate Republicans.

Just the News reports:

“The audit will be broad and detailed,” Fann said. “[T]he team will include, but is not limited to, testing the machines, scanning the ballots, performing a full hand count and checking for any IT breaches.

“When all the work is done, there will be a full report for the Senate and County to review.”

According to county records, Maricopa County fielded just under 2.1 million ballots cast in the November presidential election. Roughly three-quarters of those were early votes. 

Democrat Joe Biden captured Arizona’s electoral votes in a surprise flip in the conservative-leaning state, by a razor-thin margin of about 0.30%. 

Media Says No Proof Of Election Fraud, Well Here's 3 States Worth of Proof

Whether it’s the mainstream media, Twitter, Facebook or any other platform with a leftist agenda, all you hear is that there is “no evidence” of election fraud.

Well, the Data Integrity Group (DIG) has showcased a mountain of evidence across several states and has so far released videos with their findings on Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania.

The goal of the group is to present irrefutable data. Sources for the raw data they used come from the Edison, Secretary of State, and SCYTL feeds which is what was used to certify the election totals.

Below is hard evidence from the data for those in the media and Democrats who continue to say there is no proof of fraud.


In this first slide the data scientists show negative votes across 15 counties in PA that total over 400,000 votes taken from President Trump. There is no question of whether or not this happened, this is the data used to verify the state–once again Edison, SOS and SCYTL data.

In the next two PA slides you can see in Allegheny County that absentee votes went up on a normal gradual scale for Joe Biden.

In Trumps slide you can see at the second time stamp there was an injection of 145,241 votes and then they are all taken away.

Trump’s Election Day votes in Allegheny  were taken away as well at five different time intervals throughout the night, totaling over 25,000 votes which is confirmed across multiple data sources.

Here is Chester County PA where President Trump saw major decreases in votes across absentee and Election Day votes:

Lehigh County PA saw an over 66,000 vote drop for Trump:

Philadelphia has a history of corruption and this election looks no different. In this slide you can see the data shows Biden received a 47:1 vote ratio over Trump. Trump received 2,152 votes to Biden’s 100,236. In 278 precincts in Philadelphia it would mean 97 out of 100 people voted for Joe Biden. Some precincts showed 99% for Biden.


In Bibb County, GA you can see there was an exact vote switch between Trump and Biden of 12,173, giving Biden the lead.

When we asked local residents about these numbers in DeKalb they said it’s impossible that 9 out of 10 people voted for Biden in their county.

Fulton County seems to have as much corruption as Philadelphia. But strictly looking at the data, 170 out of 384 precincts in Fulton County voted 90% or more for Joe Biden.

Trump received only 9% of Election Day votes and 4% of absentee in Fulton. There were several counties that reported 100% for Biden. These numbers represent statistical anomalies that do not exist in normal behavioral patterns.


As you can see all the gray bars are relatively even, which is what you would encounter with normal vote distribution. Statistically speaking, the blue bars, which all represent the first batch of absentee votes for Biden, should be roughly in line with the grey bars. Instead the massive difference in votes between the first batch and the rest implies a potential front load of votes for Biden in order to secure his win in the state.

Questions and rebuttals arose that these spikes in the first drop came because more people early voted for Biden, but our second slide shows that there was an even amount of requests by  Republicans for early vote ballots and an even amount of returns by Republicans which throws that argument out. Also these large early vote drops were not consistent across the state.

In order to make those numbers work Biden would have to have received 100% of the Democrats, 100% of the Independents and a large portion of the Republicans.

Sources confirm that 95% of registered republicans voted for Trump.


There is a large group of data scientist that are working on this data around the clock to showcase all the irregularities within the election.

Information on more states is still to come, including data on down ticket races.

Arizona Senate Still Battling Maricopa County For Election Integrity

A simple solution in determining if there were any issues in Maricopa County, AZ during the 2020 presidential election would be to grant the Arizona Senate access to the ballots and the machines in order to conduct a forensic audit. Unfortunately, the Maricopa County board will not grant access to the necessary election equipment, claiming the materials are privileged.

Should a court side with the county, an Arizona Senate committee has come up with a backup plan: a proposal which states election equipment and ballots are not protected, which would enable the legislature to issue a subpoena.

The Miner reports:

The Republican-controlled county board has been fighting the Senate’s effort to get access to ballots and election machines since mid-December under a subpoena issued by lawmakers who have questioned President Joe Biden’s win in the state. The board maintains the ballots are secret under law and the state constitution and tabulation machines can’t be compromised by allowing uncertified people to examine them.

The board handed over reams of materials and is doing two audits of their own on the machines to ensure they accurately counted ballots and weren’t hacked.

The Senate fell one vote short of finding the board in contempt on Monday, just days after the county board asked a judge to quash the subpoenas.

Republican Senator Warren Peterson, who recently became chairman of the Judiciary Committee says the new proposal is an “insurance policy” should a judge rule against the Senate.

“They continue to hold the position that we don’t have the authority to investigate and audit the ballots and in this case the equipment,” Peterson said Tuesday. “So this makes clear what we already believe is the law.”

Charlie Kirk sat down with Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar yesterday and discussed the election results in the state and the ongoing audit efforts. Gosar believes there may be a 2-3 percent error rate in the counting of ballots in his state.


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