1,600 Illegal Immigrants, Including Known Criminals Arrested in Only 3 Days at Border

56 illegal immigrants with prior sexual assault convictions have been “encountered” by agents since only Oct

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California Highway Mass Casualty Crash Involved Smugglers, Illegal Immigrants

56 illegal immigrants with prior sexual assault convictions have been “encountered” by agents since only Oct

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Come one, come all’ was the Democrats’ promise to illegal immigrants during their desperate pursuit to get Biden elected in November. Now, Americans and agencies at the border in particular, are experiencing the repercussions. In only 3 days, more than 1,600 illegal immigrants were arrested in a single Texas border sector.

According to Austin Skero, the head of Border Patrol for Texas’s Del Rio Sector wrote on Twitter, “Over 1,600 arrests in three days for Del Rio Sector agents! These arrests include more than 25 smuggling cases, two criminal aliens, and were comprised of mostly single adults.”

Skero later gave additional information on the situation in a news release Tuesday: “our agents arrested two more sex offenders over the weekend one of whom was convicted of third-degree rape in Kentucky.” Skero added, “that is why it is critically important that Border Patrol Agents are out there, on the border, identifying everyone who crosses our borders illegally.”

The criminal, 49-year-old Roman Gonzalez-Flores of Mexico, was arrested after he illegally entered the United States from Mexico. The Epoch Times reports “officials later determined that he was convicted of the crime in 2004, was sentenced to two years in prison, and was most recently deported in 2021, according to the agency.”

Frighteningly, the agency said 56 illegal immigrants with prior sexual assault convictions have been “encountered” by agents since only October 1 of 2020. Catching criminals is just one of many hurdles border agencies are facing. On Wednesday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed that 13 people died when their SUV collided with a semi-truck. The Ford SUV had roughly 25 women and children of all ages crammed together illegally being smuggled across the border after driving through a hole cut in the border fence.

El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gregory Bovino stated in a news conference “human smugglers have proven time and again they have little regard for human life.” Bovino warned, “those who may be contemplating crossing the border illegally should pause to think of the dangers that all too often end in tragedy; tragedies our Border Patrol Agents and first responders are unfortunately very familiar with.”

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56 illegal immigrants with prior sexual assault convictions have been “encountered” by agents since only Oct

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Come one, come all’ was the Democrats’ promise to illegal immigrants during their desperate pursuit to get Biden elected in November. Now, Americans and agencies at the border in particular, are experiencing the repercussions. In only 3 days, more than 1,600 illegal immigrants were arrested in a single Texas border sector.

According to Austin Skero, the head of Border Patrol for Texas’s Del Rio Sector wrote on Twitter, “Over 1,600 arrests in three days for Del Rio Sector agents! These arrests include more than 25 smuggling cases, two criminal aliens, and were comprised of mostly single adults.”

Skero later gave additional information on the situation in a news release Tuesday: “our agents arrested two more sex offenders over the weekend one of whom was convicted of third-degree rape in Kentucky.” Skero added, “that is why it is critically important that Border Patrol Agents are out there, on the border, identifying everyone who crosses our borders illegally.”

The criminal, 49-year-old Roman Gonzalez-Flores of Mexico, was arrested after he illegally entered the United States from Mexico. The Epoch Times reports “officials later determined that he was convicted of the crime in 2004, was sentenced to two years in prison, and was most recently deported in 2021, according to the agency.”

Frighteningly, the agency said 56 illegal immigrants with prior sexual assault convictions have been “encountered” by agents since only October 1 of 2020. Catching criminals is just one of many hurdles border agencies are facing. On Wednesday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed that 13 people died when their SUV collided with a semi-truck. The Ford SUV had roughly 25 women and children of all ages crammed together illegally being smuggled across the border after driving through a hole cut in the border fence.

El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gregory Bovino stated in a news conference “human smugglers have proven time and again they have little regard for human life.” Bovino warned, “those who may be contemplating crossing the border illegally should pause to think of the dangers that all too often end in tragedy; tragedies our Border Patrol Agents and first responders are unfortunately very familiar with.”