Majority of Americans Support Mass Deportation of Illegal Immigrants, New Poll Shows

Majority of Americans Support Mass Deportation of Illegal Immigrants, New Poll Shows

A recent Scripps News/Ipsos poll reveals that a majority of Americans back the mass deportation of illegal immigrants, a policy advocated by 2024 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

According to the poll, 54 percent of respondents support this proposal, with strong backing from 86 percent of Republicans, 58 percent of independents, and 25 percent of Democrats who “strongly” or “somewhat” endorse the idea.

The poll also shows that 39 percent of Americans consider immigration to be a key issue in the upcoming election, with inflation taking the top spot at 57 percent. When asked who would handle immigration better, Trump leads Harris by 10 points (44 percent to 34 percent).

About one-third of Americans believe securing the U.S.-Mexico border should be the nation’s highest priority. Other key priorities include providing a pathway to citizenship for those who qualify (20 percent), deporting those in the country illegally (18 percent), and maintaining opportunities for legal immigration (18 percent).

Concerns about non-citizens voting in the 2024 election are also prominent, with 83 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents, and 24 percent of Democrats expressing worry over the issue.

Despite differences, there are areas of bipartisan agreement. Nearly 90 percent of Democrats and 52 percent of Republicans favor a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who arrived as minors. Additionally, 88 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of Democrats support stricter policies limiting the number of asylum applicants.

The poll, conducted between September 13 and 15, surveyed 1,027 American adults with a margin of error of +/- 3.6 percentage points.


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