Ted Cruz and Republicans Expose Biden's Woke Climate Initiatives Hidden in Budget

Ted Cruz and Republicans Expose Biden's Woke Climate Initiatives Hidden in Budget

NOAA’s 2024 budget request includes substantial funding for climate-related initiatives, aligning with President Biden’s far-left climate agenda.

The agency is seeking $78.2 million to “help NOAA build a climate-ready nation” and another $9.1 million to support equity and workforce initiatives, specifically assisting the seafood industry with environmental justice.

Senator Ted Cruz expressed his opposition to a NOAA request for $1.2 million and two full-time positions to expand the “Community Social Vulnerability Toolbox.” This expansion aims to address climate change concerns and racial equity in underserved coastal communities. Cruz argued that NOAA’s allocated funds should be primarily focused on fulfilling its core mission, rather than diverting resources to what he sees as progressive causes.

Cruz also voiced his skepticism towards NASA’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. The space agency has requested $22 million for its Office of Diversity & Equal Opportunity, a move that Cruz finds unnecessary. Additionally, he questioned NASA’s request for a $278 million increase for its Earth Science program, which primarily emphasizes climate change. This funding would support the NASA Sustainable Flight National Partnership, aiming to reduce fuel burn and achieve net-zero carbon emissions in aviation by 2050.

“The Committee would like to see funding for these missions targeted at worthy scientific enterprise and not the advancement of political agendas,” stated Cruz in a memo. He expressed concern that NASA may be susceptible to becoming a “plaything for anti-fossil fuel environmentalists,” suggesting that the agency should focus on scientific endeavors rather than being influenced by political ideologies.

Cruz also highlighted other budget requests that he believes deviate from the agencies’ core responsibilities. He questioned NASA’s $2 million request to support “climate smart agriculture,” deeming it a “bizarre” inclusion. Additionally, he opposed NIST’s request for $5.5 million to boost the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability program, along with their $2.2 million request for DEI programs. According to Cruz, using funds meant to promote innovation for the purpose of embedding DEI across departments and agencies is not the intended purpose of NIST’s Laboratory Program.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) also faced criticism from Cruz for their “overemphasis on climate change, clean energy-related activities, and DEI-related initiatives.” The agency’s requested budget for 2024 is $1.6 billion, a significant 65% increase from the previous year. NSF’s focus on a “Build a Resilient Planet” theme includes requests for funds for the National Discovery Cloud for Climate and the OISE Global Centers program, both supporting international climate research. Cruz argued that these initiatives divert attention and resources from NSF’s statutory responsibilities.


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