China-Linked Businessman Offered Hunter Biden Tens of Thousands to Cover Expenses, Texts Reveal

China-Linked Businessman Offered Hunter Biden Tens of Thousands to Cover Expenses, Texts Reveal

A former top aide to Vice President Biden, Fran Person, reportedly reached out to Hunter Biden in a WhatsApp message offering financial assistance from his business partner, Bo Zhang, who had connections to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In the July 2017 message, Person and Zhang expressed their willingness to help Hunter with tens of thousands of dollars to settle his bills during a difficult divorce.

Fox News Digital reports that a conversation between Hunter and Person reveals that Person had discussed this financial matter with Zhang, indicating Zhang’s readiness to provide financial support. Hunter expressed gratitude but also concerns about starting a business partnership with such assistance. Person mentioned that Zhang was open to helping with various amounts, depending on his liquid assets in the US.

“I am appreciative of whatever [Bo] was comfortable with but I’m very uncomfortable starting a war revised partnership this way,” Hunter said. “I have been desperately trying to figure out how to resolve this without resorting.”

“I talked to Bo previously about the 37K – he didn’t flinch. I will talk to him about 56K and possibly 100K,” Person said. “It really depends on his liquid assets in the US…I will ask. His only problem is getting large sums out of China (especially right now).”

Furthermore, the messages suggest that Zhang wanted Hunter to take a trip to China, possibly unrelated to their financial discussions. A text message exchange later in July 2017 revealed that Zhang offered his home for Hunter to stay at, indicating their close relationship. “He will help you with what you need. He also mentioned that you should take a trip to China some time this month to just get away for a week or so…just decompress,” Person said.

Person, who was also associated with powerful CCP-linked figures, had previously emailed Hunter in 2015, highlighting Zhang’s family’s influence in China’s real estate sector and their connections to high-ranking CCP officials, including Liu Cigui, who has been a CCP member for many years and is considered a “loyalist” to President Xi Jinping.

This information follows earlier revelations of Hunter’s financial dealings and business connections, which have generated significant controversy and scrutiny.


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