Bomb Threats Called In At NYC Synagogues

Bomb Threats Called In At NYC Synagogues

Three synagogues in New York City found themselves targeted by bomb threats in a span of just two hours last Saturday. The New York City Police confirmed the unsettling incidents, detailing the timeline and nature of the threats.

“Threats have been determined not to be credible, but we will not tolerate individuals sowing fear [and] antisemitism,” said New York Governor Kathy Hochul, reflecting the urgency of the situation. “Those responsible must be held accountable for their despicable actions.”

The first threat struck at approximately 3:15 p.m., when an email menacingly warned Congregation Rodeph Sholom of explosives. Prompt evacuation ensued, but thankfully, no explosives were discovered within the premises.

Shortly after, around 4:30 p.m., another synagogue, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, received a similar threatening email, prompting swift action from law enforcement. Again, no explosives were found on the premises.

The tense saga continued as the clock neared 5:10 p.m., with the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue becoming the third target of the day. Yet again, an email from an unidentified sender, laden with threats of explosives, triggered an evacuation. Fortunately, like the preceding incidents, no explosives were uncovered.

Despite the false nature of the threats, the gravity of the situation was not lost on officials and community leaders. Nathan Diament, executive director of public policy for the Orthodox Union, acknowledged the stress induced by such events. “You can’t stop people from phoning in phony bomb threats,” he remarked.

Despite the unsettling rise in antisemitic incidents across the city and the nation, Diament emphasized the resilience of the Orthodox Jewish community. “We’re not going to let this deter us from going to synagogue,” he affirmed.


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