Biden Voters Abandoning Him as Hundreds of Thousands Vote 'Uncommitted' During Primaries

Biden Voters Abandoning Him as Hundreds of Thousands Vote 'Uncommitted' During Primaries

Democratics are sounding the alarm for President Biden after a huge setback in the Michigan primary, where over 100,000 voters ditched him for the “uncommitted” option.

This mass defection is being seen as a glaring “warning sign” and a “wake-up call” for the Biden administration, according to Way to Win, a progressive donor hub, Fox News Digital reports.

“Regardless of how you dissect the specific math and historical comparisons (2012, 2016) of what happened in Michigan, 100,000 uncommitted Democratic voters must be seen as a wake-up call,” wrote Way to Win. “We can tell you that the energy behind ‘uncommitted’ is not something that should be ignored, taken lightly, or dismissed.”

The Michigan primary revealed deep dissatisfaction among Democratic voters, particularly the Arab American community, over Biden’s stance on Israel’s Gaza conflict. Despite winning 81% of the state, Biden lost a significant portion of votes to the protest, marking a substantial setback for his campaign.

Way to Win is now cautioning that the 2024 election could mirror the pitfalls of 2016, where Democratic complacency led to unexpected losses in crucial swing states like Michigan. The memo highlights a growing sense of disenchantment and disaffection among potential voters, signaling a need for urgent course correction.

Way to Win added: “And beyond our volunteers and activists, there is a real and present danger that too many voters in close swing states who are fed up with the system will choose to either not vote at all, vote but skip the presidential ballot, or vote for third-party presidential candidates. We are seeing this everywhere in the data.”

The protest against Biden wasn’t confined to Michigan alone; it spread to Super Tuesday states as well.

In North Carolina, a staggering 88,000 voters opted for “No Preference,” while Massachusetts saw 54,000 voters abstain from selecting any candidate.

Similar trends were observed in Colorado, Iowa, and Tennessee, where a significant portion of voters refused to endorse Biden.


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