Biden Negotiates Release of Infamous Military Contractor 'Fat Leonard' With Maduro Regime

Biden Negotiates Release of Infamous Military Contractor 'Fat Leonard' With Maduro Regime

The U.S. has reached an agreement with Venezuela to exchange a close ally of Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro for 10 American prisoners detained in the country.

A senior Biden administration official confirmed the exchange, which involves the release of six Americans considered wrongfully detained in Venezuela, as well as four others, including Malaysian businessman Leonard Francis, known as “Fat Leonard.” Francis was involved in one of the largest corruption scandals in U.S. Navy history, Fox News Digital reports.

The official stated that Leonard Francis, also known as “Fat Leonard,” would be extradited from Venezuela and soon on his way back to a federal detention facility.

The exchange is part of a broader deal that includes the release of nearly two dozen Venezuelan political prisoners.

Leonard’s release is of particular interest, as the former military contractor is known for organizing lewd sexual events involving US Navy admirals.

President Biden expressed gratitude that the six wrongfully detained Americans would soon be reunited with their families. The exchange involves the release of Alex Saab, a Colombian-born businessman and close ally of Maduro, who was held in the U.S. on charges of money laundering.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken hinted at the deal earlier, stating that the U.S. was focused on the release of political prisoners in Venezuela. The Biden administration emphasized its commitment to securing the release of Americans and addressing human rights concerns in Venezuela.

The agreement marks a diplomatic effort between the U.S. and Venezuela, addressing longstanding tensions and human rights issues. The release of Americans, including those considered wrongfully detained, is seen as a positive development in U.S.-Venezuela relations.


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