Scientists Plans to Create New Coronavirus in 2018 Could Explain Why A Close Ancestor For Covid Has ‘Yet to Be Found in Nature’

Scientists Plans to Create New Coronavirus in 2018 Could Explain Why A Close Ancestor For Covid Has ‘Yet to Be Found in Nature’

Last month reported on leaked grant applications submitted to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) in 2018 by US and Chinese scientists. The application, which was rejected, revealed the scientists had a plan to create a new coronavirus.

“The proposal was rejected and the database of viral strains at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was taken offline some 18 months later, making it impossible to check what scientists there were working on” reports The Daily Mail.

Despite the rejection, some wondered if the research was being carried out regardless, especially after the global pandemic originated from Wuhan. A World Health Organization (WHO) expert has come forward and told The Telegraph such research “could explain why no close match has ever been found in nature for Sars-CoV-2.”

A direct ancestor would be expected to share roughly 99.98 percent of COVID-19’s genome, but none have been found thus far. The WHO expert asked to remain anonymous and said the very process detailed in the application to Darpa would create ‘a new virus sequence, not a 100 per cent match to anything.”

“They would then synthesise the viral genome from the computer sequence, thus creating a virus genome that did not exist in nature but looks natural as it is the average of natural viruses” said the expert.

“Then they put that RNA in a cell and recover the virus from it. This creates a virus that has never existed in nature, with a new ‘backbone’ that didn’t exist in nature but is very, very similar as it’s the average of natural backbones” added the expert.

The Daily Mail reports:

Experts told the paper that creating an ‘ideal’ average virus could have been part of work to create a vaccine that works across coronaviruses. Last month, it emerged that the US had funded similar research to that outlined in the 2018 grant proposal. 

 Files obtained by The Intercept as part of an FOI request to drill down the possible root of COVID and whether the US had any role in it showed that in 2014, the National Health Institute (NIH) approved a five-year, yearly grant of $666,000 a year for five years ($3.3million) for EcoHealth Alliance, a US research organization, into bat coronavirus

EcoHealth Alliance, in its proposal to the NIH, acknowledged the risks involved were ‘the highest risk of exposure to SARS or other CoVs’ among staff, who could then carry it out of the lab.

The NIH gave them the money anyway – something Dr Anthony Fauci was previously forced to admit when testifying before Congress in May this year. EcoHealth Alliance then gave $599,000 of the money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

At the time and repeatedly since, Fauci has denied that the research constituted what’s known as ‘gain-of-function’ research. 


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