Maher: Transgenders Are Going ‘Too Far’ In Making Demands Of Others

Maher: Transgenders Are Going ‘Too Far’ In Making Demands Of Others

HBO ‘Real Time’ host Bill Maher aimed at the trans community during a CNN interview earlier this week, saying that they go way “too far” in their demands of everyone else and that they are actively trying to “shut down debate.”

Maher made his remarks during an interview with host Jake Tapper in a discussion about the Left’s cancel culture.

Tapper appeared to support the perspective of a few comedians who argue that making jokes about transgender individuals is akin to “punching down.”

“I don’t really agree. I mean, I think the trans community is asking for too much,” Maher, who still does a lot of stand-up, argued. “Again, the difference between liberal and woke.”

“And it’s great we live in a time where people like that can freely live the lives they should live with all the dignity and protection of the law that we can afford them, like anybody else in society. I think that’s the liberal point of view,” Maher said before going on to describe how he sees woke people defining the issue.

“The woke point of view is something very different, like — ‘well, babies are born now and just jump ball, we don’t know what they are,’” Maher said mockingly. “‘Congratulations, you have a boy. Well, let’s not be hasty. There’s a penis. That could be an indication of a male, but it’s — it’s really– we’ll find out later. And we can always get rid of it.’”

Maher added, “it’s wrong with having this conversation,” before highlighting how individuals who subscribe to woke ideology attempt to label even having a discussion about certain topics as an act of hatred or phobia, thereby employing it as a means to shut down any debate, the Daily Wire noted.

“They absolutely do want to shut down debate,” Maher said.

Last month, Maher once again took aim at leftist activists who he says are waring with reality and biology.

“If you’re part of today’s woke revolution, you need to study the part of revolutions where they spin out of control because the revolutionaries get so drunk on their purifying elixir they imagine they can reinvent the very nature of human beings,” Maher noted.

“With communists, that human was no longer selfish. In America today, that human is no longer born male or female. And obesity is not something that affects health. You can be healthy at any size. Seriously, we voted on it,” Maher said.

Maher, who has ripped gender ideology and theory in the past, also riffed on the left-wing outlet The Atlantic” as a “formerly serious magazine” after it published a story about not segregating sports by sex.

“I’ve spent three decades on TV mocking Republicans who said climate change was just a theory,” he concluded. “And now I got to deal with people who say, ‘You know what else is just a theory? Biology.’”


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