INSPIRING: American and Canadian Truckers Join Forces to Form 45-Mile Long Convoy to Protest Vaccine Mandates

INSPIRING: American and Canadian Truckers Join Forces to Form 45-Mile Long Convoy to Protest Vaccine Mandates

A convoy of Canadian truckers has captured the hearts and minds of the world as it makes its way across Canada to protest Justin Trudeau’s draconian vaccine mandates. The final destination is Ottawa, the nation’s capital, where they plan to deliver a message of freedom to Trudeau, who has predictably decided to isolate for five days due to “exposure to Covid.”

50,000 truckers departed from Vancouver earlier this week. In response to the “Freedom Convoy 2022”, the hapless Prime Minister called the massive group “a small fringe minority.”

“We know the way through this is to get everyone vaccinated. The overwhelming majority, close to 90 percent of Canadians, have done exactly that,” Trudeau said.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson ripped into Trudeau for smearing the hard-working, freedom-loving truckers:

The Daily Mail reports that around 20% of truckers, approximately 32,000 people, are unvaccinated despite the mandate: “In a list of demands, the organizers of the Freedom Convoy are calling for an end to vaccine passports and for the federal government to respect the rights of the unvaccinated.”

The convoy has taken the world by storm and American truckers have now joined their Canadian brethren.

“It’s 70 kilometers long,” said convoy spokesman Benjamin Dichter. “I have seen footage from an airplane. It’s impressive.”

Dichter also appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss the convoy:

The convoy has received love from free thinkers such as Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, and Russell Brand. This despite the fact that the mainstream media has tried to smear and discredit the truckers at every turn, even referring to the protest as “Canada’s Jan 6”.

Writing in The Post Millennial, Angelo Isidorou noted:


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