In Last Press Conference, Psaki Says More Covid Funding Is Needed So Americans Don't "Die Needlessly"

In Last Press Conference, Psaki Says More Covid Funding Is Needed So Americans Don't "Die Needlessly"

Outgoing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Friday that the Biden Administration needed to make more funding available for COVID, to make sure that “more Americans” don’t “die needlessly.”

Psaki discussed “what the consequences will be if we don’t have [this funding], and those are significant,” saying that “obviously, more Americans will die needlessly, which is the biggest heart-breaking issue.”

Psaki then went on to say: “We’re going to exhaust our treatment supply. We’ll lose out to other countries on promising new treatments. This is one of the biggest components that is of concern to the president, [and] all of us.”

“Because, as you know, how we have approached this to date is we have ordered ahead, so that we are first in line, and we have the supply needed when there’s a better booster when there’s a better vaccine, or a vaccine that will treat specific variants.”

“And, we are essentially putting ourselves at the back of the line without this funding,” she said.

Psaki has made other calls to the Biden administration to make more money available to fight COVID, saying two weeks ago that the risk of subvariants was too high in parts of the US to ignore.

“This is a reminder of how vital it is that we are prepared, that we are able to purchase in the future … modified or variant-specific vaccines or treatments to protect the American people, as we continue battling COVID.”


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