Biden's CDC Wants to Keep COVID Restrictions Around Forever: Here's How

Biden's CDC Wants to Keep COVID Restrictions Around Forever: Here's How

The Biden regime continues to be enamored with the power to control Americans’ activities and choices, as evidenced by the discredited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s focus on preserving COVID-19 restrictions.

And officials at the agency now believe they have a new ‘boogeyman’ to help them accomplish that objective: “Long COVID.”

In a new Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) published this week, the CDC came to the conclusion that as many as 20 percent of Americans — one in five — may be at risk of developing long COVID, which means they will continue experiencing some lingering aspect or condition of the illness even after recovering from the initial sickness. The report goes on to say that as such, continued mitigation efforts may be necessary.

“Implementation of COVID-19 prevention strategies, as well as routine assessment for post-COVID conditions among persons who survive COVID-19, is critical to reducing the incidence and impact of post-COVID conditions, particularly among adults aged ≥65 years,” the report says in response to a question: “What are the implications for public health practice?”

The Daily Caller adds:

So far in the pandemic, those prevention strategies have included policies like mask and vaccine mandates, although the MMWR does not specify what measures should be implemented to combat the prevalence of long COVID.

The MMWR was touted by many corporate media outlets as further evidence of the threat of long COVID, but some scientists offered points of skepticism. Dr. Vinay Prasad criticized the paper for not controlling for increased diagnostic labeling bias, or for the fact that sicker people will seek treatment for COVID-19 more often. Dr. Adam Cifu tweeted that, based on his own experience with COVID-19 patients, the CDC’s estimate “does not pass the sniff test.”

In the study, the CDC lists more than two dozen conditions that a post-COVID sufferer may continue to experience or be more likely to develop. The conditions with the largest risk post-COVID were acute pulmonary embolism and respiratory symptoms. For people over the age of 65, renal failure and thromboembolic events were elevated risks. In younger patients. prolonged lack of taste and smell were bigger issues.

And yet, it’s not clear how keeping COVID mandates and restrictions in place would ‘mitigate’ or ease these risks and conditions.

Not only that, a separate government agency — the National Institutes of Health — “released a conflicting study this week, which found no tangible post-COVID immune problems which could be linked to the virus,” the Daily Caller added.

“It concluded that women and individuals with [a] history of anxiety disorder were more likely to report long COVID symptoms, which lends some credence to health professionals who have theorized that long COVID may be a psychosomatic disorder in some patients,” the outlet added.

For an administration and political party obsessed with power and control, COVID continues to be the perfect vehicle for providing both.


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